Taking Time For You…

(You really can find the time, I promise!)

“There is never enough time.” - Everyone. A lot.

I promise, there is always some time. On the busiest of days there is always time, and if you can’t find the time then those are the most important days where you have to find the time.

Those moments when we can meditate are all around us, we just need to know where to look. When can we grab those pockets of time? While we wait for the kettle to boil, or while we brush our teeth, waiting at the bus stop, even while we’re on the loo!

A taster for you…

Guided meditation is where it starts, so if you’re a total newbie (of if you’re on my Hormonal Mental Health Newsletter List and have found this link that way - thank you) here is a guided meditation for if you feel overwhelmed.

If you liked that…

Here are a few more, simple 5 minute meditations for you to buy.


My meditation mission

I know that mindfulness and mediation changes mindsets, it can take a good day and make it into a great one. Let’s blast through the stigma and empower you to do something your future self will thank you for!

  • “Meditation can be intimidating” - It doesn’t have to be all crossed legs and chanting - mindfulness meditation can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere except sleeping.

  • “I am just not into hippy dippy things” - It isn’t just for those who are spiritual - whatever your background, learning mindful breathing can help you in so many ways.

  • ”I won’t be able to do nothing and think about nothing” - All mediation is, is taking time aside to focus your thoughts and ground your mind.

  • “How do I know if I am doing it right?” - Meditation and mindfulness is about giving yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of life. If you are taking that time to focus on the here and now, then there is no wrong way of doing it.

  • “I am far too busy to be sat around doing nothing all day!” - It doesn’t take a lot of time to practice or learn - in less than five minutes I can support you in an introduction to meditation and mindfulness.


“If you can’t afford five minutes out of your day to meditate, then you need an hour.”

— Anon


How To Meditate

  • Start by finding a small pocket of time. Anything around 3 minutes is great.

  • Focus on your breathing, don’t change how you are breathing unless you want to, but simply draw your attention to your breath.

  • As you focus on your breathing, allow your mind to settle and relax.

  • Your mind may wander and take a while to adjust - this is perfectly normal.

  • Lower your gaze, have a soft focus on something or close your eyes and begin to connect to your breath.

  • Know that all you have to focus on or think about right now is the very moment you are in. And you can do this by focusing on the breath.

  • Whenever we feel stressed, rushed or wound tight, we can always come to this place in our minds, being gentle with our minds and allowing our breath to anchor us.

  • Smile. Open your eyes. And go on with your day!