Looking After Your Wellbeing In Autumn.

Autumn is fast approaching - how about we look at some ways to boost your wellbeing this autumn?

The start of a new season is a great time to evaluate your wellbeing.

The temptation is to dive under a blanket and into Netflix, and while I am a fan of this, there are other things you can do in the darker and colder months to support your wellbeing.

** Goal setting.

What do you want to achieve for the next 3 months? Write it out in detail. Ask yourself what goals have you not met yet, and why? If you're creative, use a vision board to help you learn more about your goals.

** Reevaluate your relationship with food and alcohol.

Start by spending a week writing down everything you eat and drink, and reflect on that a little. How does it make you really feel? Are there any changes what would make you feel better?

** Take a daily mindful walk.

Whatever the weather get out there and notice the changes in season. Be in nature and learn from it.

** Ask yourself - how does my life reflect the seasons?

Life is a series of cycles, and our life can reflect the seasons. What things about shedding leaves, turning cooler and crisp air can reflect on your life?

Spending some time reflecting, rather the diving into things fast, can really support our mental health and emotional wellbeing.


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